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At Clough Head Junior and Infant School we pride ourselves on being able to offer a wide range of clubs for our pupils.

Before and after school we also offer a wide range of clubs both within our own school grounds and also across the federation to cater for the wide range of interests of our pupils. These range from cooking, craft and coloring to football, tennis and singing. These are provided for by both staff and outside providers and some carry a small cost.,

Please see below for a list of clubs available during the current half term. We opperate a first come, first served basis for these and some clubs can be oversubscribed so please reply promptly to secure a place. Clubs which carry a payment can be paid for using the Parent Pay website. If you have any questions about this please call into the school office and talk to Mrs Michelle Miller.

Mondays - Lego

Tuesdays - Cricket, Coding & Dancing

Thursdays - Art, Netball & Craft


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