Welcome to Class 2
I am happy to say that we have had a fantastic start to the year, with everybody settling straight back into life in Class 2.
Our theme for this term is What a Picture, a theme which will allow us to look into the history of our local area.
Below is the overview newsletter, which was sent home at the beginning of the term, as well as the class timetable for the first half term.
I have also attached the homework grid- Which each child is expected to complete one piece from and bring into school on a Friday, to stand a chance to become a homework hero for the week.
If at any point their are any questions you have please do not hesitate to drop myself a message on the Class Dojo app.
I know we will have a fabulous year, keep checking our Class 2 tabs for exciting developments as the year goes on and for information that may be useful.
Homework Heroes
Keep checking here to see our Homework Heroes-
This Weeks were 28th September : Jess Crum, Lucas Smith, Nathaniel Holt and Andrew Roberts.
Check next week it could be you.
Keep checking here to see our Homework Heroes-
This Weeks were ,5th October : Mariella and Evangeline
Check next week it could be you.

This Weeks were: 12th October : Ben, Louisa, Florence, William, Keira and Zak
Check next week it could be you.

19th October:This week, we really couldn't choose, who would be Homework Hero, their were so many fantastic pieces of work. So...... all of Class 3 were our Heroes.

2nd November: Our Homework Heroes:

9th November Homework Heores- Keira Newiss, Zak Garside, Eva Davies and William Teale.
Take a look at them with their homework; Zak's powerpoint is attached above for you to take closer look at.

Homework Heores 23rd November: