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KIRFs - an extremely important set of Maths tools!


We use KIRFs (which stands for Key Instant Recall Facts) in school because they are a really helpful tool to aid Maths learning. We have a different target for each half term and a different set of KIRFs for each year-group. Once children have learned their KIRFs target they will find calculations and Maths lessons in general so much easier and faster. Please help your child with them! If you would like clarification on any of the KIRFs targets for your child please have a chat with either Mr. Gledhill or Mr. Coates.

Spring 1

Year 4 Target

I know all my 6 times tables and divisions.

Year 5 Target

I can recall metric conversions.

Year 6 Target

I can convert between decimals, percentages and fractions.

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