My Happy mind

My Happy Mind
At the Heights Federation, we have embedded My Happy Mind into our curriculum. The science-backed programme for schools is grounded in the latest science and research about what it takes to create positive wellbeing.
It’s taught to every single child and there’s a curriculum for every year group from Early Years to Year 6.
Meet your brain
Understanding how your brain works and how to ensure we look after it so that we can manage our emotions and be at our best. Growth mindset is a key part of this too.

Understanding your unique character strengths and learning to celebrate them. This is a fantastic module for building self esteem.

Understanding why gratitude matters and how you can develop gratitude as a habit. Gratitude is key to wellbeing and resilience and we’re all about making it a habit!

Understanding why positive relationships matter and how to build them. We’re focussed on the building blocks of good relationships and friendships.

Understanding how to set meaningful goals that matter and how to keep resilient in times of challenge. This module is all about building self esteem and resilience too.

Miss Travis - Class Three Teacher: We are really enjoying our journey with My Happy Mind in Class 3. Our children have liked learning about the parts of the brain and this has empowered them to understand their emotions and feelings. We have enjoyed celebrating our strengths and understanding how using these can make us feel happier. Our children have become more confident discussing their personal strengths and it is wonderful to hear them confidently speak about their own successes. Our favourite part in Class 3 is the happy breathing. We all really enjoy this and you can see the positive impact it has.
Mrs Preston - Class Two Teacher: My Happy Mind has had a brilliant impact on our classroom. The children are so engaged and love the lessons. In particular the children enjoy the happy breathing times within the lesson and will find a spot in the classroom to calm down and listen to the instructions. It has been a wonderful opportunity to help the children to learn more about themselves and how their brains work and think about things they wouldn't usually consider. During the 'celebrate' module we had a lovely lesson where we took time to pick out things we love about other people and what they are good at which built unity within the classroom. The children have also been heard using the language outside of the classroom to explain their emotions, for example when the amygdala has taken over in situations.
Mrs Bloxham - Class One Teacher and Staff Governor: My Happy Mind has been well received by our school and children are benefiting from the strategies that have been introduced such as happy breathing to support their own emotional regulation, and using kindness towards others. The modules are well thought out and are developed in appropriate age related steps to make all the content accessible for all year groups, and cover a good range of issues that may cause the equilibrium of children to become unbalanced. There are a good range of resources from assemblies, display materials, extra stories and soft toys representing the characters for teachers and children. The soft toys have become much loved by all of our children and serve as great reminders of the modules that they have covered.It has been noticed by our governing body that My Happy Mind has had a positive impact across the Federation. In particular, our parent governors have talked about their own children and their friends using the 'happy breathing', and talking about Team HAP!