Pupil Results
At Clough Head School we are incredibly proud of helping to develop children in every aspect of their lives, so that they are able to succesfully cope with the challenges that life may throw at them. We also take a great deal of pride in the pupil's academic acheivements; below is a breakdown of the results for the last academic year.
If you have any questions about the data or wish to talk to someone about pupil outcomes, please make an appointment to speak to a member of the Senior Leadership Team in school.

2024 Pupil Progress and Attainment Outcomes
Please note that we have small cohorts of children at Clough Head School and each child typically represents 8.3% of the total result. Our results may at times fall below national averages, however there can be a number of cohort-related reasons for this. We like to ‘tell the story’ of our children as individuals rather than as a group.