Starting School
We welcome visitors to school. If you are looking for a school place for your child please contact the school office on 01484 222217
If you have secured a place for your child for September 2025, we are looking forward to welcoing you. We will be in touch by email soon with more information about your child's move to primary school.
Alternativley in order for you to get a feel for our school, we have the next best thing which is a short presentation showcasing us as a school. Please click on the document below to view this and feel free to get in touch with the school office should you have any further questions.
So you have a place for your child to start our school, congratulations! We hope this will be the beginning of a fantastic partnership between home and our school. We appreciate that starting school can be both an exciting and nervous time for parents and children alike. Below are some common questions which may help to alleviate any initial anxieties and are things that previous parents have found useful as their child transitions to full time schooling. We hold a parents information evening in the Summer Term so that parents have a chance to meet school staff and talk about what life will be like once their child joins our school community. As parents begin to look around schools for placements in September 2020 we are holding a series of visits so that you can look around our school as a family. Please contact Mrs Miller in the school office to arrange a visit if you are a prospective parent.
Q. What do you need to know about my child’s pre-school setting?
A. We will always ask you to provide us with details about your child’s preschool setting. As a minimum we will need the name and contact details for the setting and the days and times your child attends. Please provide this information as soon as possible after it is requested.
Q. Why do you need information about my child’s pre-school setting?
A. The Reception class teacher will try to visit all the new starters in their pre-school setting prior to them joining us for their first visit. She will meet, and join in some activities with, the children and talk to staff.
Q. Will my child be offered a chance to visit school and his / her new class before he/ she starts in September?
A. The children will be invited in to school for a block of visits so that they can meet their teacher in their new class and begin the process of making friends with other children in their year group. They will join in activities alongside our current reception children who will be Year 1 pupils when your child starts school. They will have access to both indoor and outdoor play and start to see the routines in place across school.
Q. Which door do we use for the visits?
A. You should come to the main entrance when you arrive, where we will sign your child in as present. You will then be shown along the corridor to the Reception classroom. When you come to collect your child you should wait by the Class 1 gate. In September you will use the Class 1 door for both the drop off and pupil pick up.
Q. What should my child wear for their school visits?
A. The children visiting will be fine in their ‘normal’ clothes but please make sure they have sensible footwear as weather permitting they will be spending time outside in the Early Years area. Open toe sandals are not suitable for school. The children should bring a coat and may need a sun hat if it is warm. In warmer weather we ask that you apply suncream before they come to school.
Q. What is the school uniform and where can I buy it?
A. The uniform is grey trousers, shorts, skirts or pinafore dresses with either a bottle green or white polo shirt and a bottle green sweatshirt or cardigan. Details of where you can buy uniform with the school logo on will be provided through the school office. You do not have to buy items with the logo on; plain polo shirts, sweatshirts and cardigans are fine.
Q. Does my child need a book bag?
A. You will need to purchase a school bag for your child when they start school. Information about where to purchase these are available through the school office. They are just the right size to fit on your child's peg during the day and are ideal for transporting letters, books, homework etc between school and home.
Q: When our child starts full time school in September what time can we drop them off?
A: The school day starts at 8:55am. Mrs Stephanie Crowther is present in the playground from 8:45am each morning to help your child transition into school. Mrs Crowther will collect reply slips and pass on messages to classroom staff. Our registers close at 9:05am.
Q: What time should we collect our child from school when they have started in Reception?
A: 3.30pm. Reception and Year 1 pupils should be collected from outside the Class 1 playground. All other children should be collected from the front playground.
Q: How do we get a place at Hoppers?
A: Hoppers is our local after school and preschool childcare provider. It is run by Alison De-Barkham who will be available to speak to at our new parents information evening. Alison drops pupils at school in a morning and will collect children at the end of the day. Hoppers is based at Bolster Moor Chapel. Please follow the link below to their website or use the telephone contact 07838389702.
Q: What are the term dates? When can I book holidays?
A: Our term dates are in line with those set by Kirklees and are therefore generally consistent with other local schools. We set our own INSET days and these can be found alongside our term dates on the office tab of this website. As a general rule holidays should not be taken in term time. You might be surprised how quickly the attendance of your child can drop, and the consequences this can have for their learning and development. If it is completely unavoidable talk to the Head Teacher before making a booking - but permission will only be granted in exceptional circumstances.
Q: I am unsure about something or need to talk about my child's education and wellbeing. Who should I talk to?
A: If you are unsure about letters sent home, payment for trips, clubs, etc or your child needs some medicine then Mrs Crowther in the playground or Mrs Miller in the school office are the people to speak to. Likewise they will be able to help with dates of forthcoming events and any admin related queries. If you need to discuss some aspect of your child's education, how they've settled in class or any questions about homework or reading books, please talk to your child's class teacher. If you have any more serious concerns then the person to talk to is the Head Teacher, along with your child's teacher (if it is a class based problem). REMEMBER the door is always open, we're here to make sure your child is as settled and as happy as possible!