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Welcome to Class One

Here is some information about our class, I hope you find it useful.

Class One children are the youngest in school and we are a mix of Reception and Year 1. We are a kind, happy and enthusiastic class who are ready to learn through adventure and play!

We continuously update our page with interesting information, our termly newsletters and helpful resources to support any home learning. Please have a look around to see what we are up to!

Who is in Class One?

Miss Heaphy is our teacher.

Mrs Crowther also teaches in Class One on a Thursday afternoon and Mr Purcell teaches us music on a Monday afternoon.

In Class One we are very lucky to be supported by Mrs Drennan, Mrs Moore, Miss Dutfield and Miss Whiteley

Current topics 

During Spring term 2, our topic will be 'Our Kingdom'. We will focus on our capital city, London, using Drawing Club to inspire our writing through a range of fiction and non-fiction books.  We will also be focusing on Animals and looking at common mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians and their diets.

In 'My Happy Mind' and this term our focus will be 'Relate' - for more information on this please pop over to www.myhappymind.org and have a look.

Please feel free to look at our termly newsletter to find out what the children are learning about!


What do I need to remember?

It is important that we all bring our reading record and books with us to school each day as we may need to read with a member of staff.

We have our weekly book change on a THURSDAY in school. This is when children will change their reading and recommended reading book with an adult.

Children will need to bring their PE kit in on a Monday and then it will go home on a Friday. It is vital that the children have their PE kit in school for the week as PE days may move from time to time. We have our coach led session on Thursday.

Although lessons can move around, here is a general timetable of what will be happening each week.

Recommended Reading Books 

We love books in class 1!  We regularly share stories with the class, and encourage the children to read for pleasure.  The attached file is a list of our recommended reads - the children will borrow one per week with the aim of reading all the books on the list.  Please use their Reading Diary to make comments about the recommended read each week as we value yours and your child's feedback.  This will be in addition to their usual RWI reading book where appropriate.  We would love to receive any recommendations that you have as we love to grow our collection of books - fiction and non-fiction!

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