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Local Offer

Please find below the link to the Kirklees Local Offer website. The website has lots of information on local services and support for children and young people in Kirklees.

Kirklees Local Offer

Local Offer Digital Leaflet

Heights Federation SEN Policy

The Height Federation of Schools graduated approach

Our Federation staff team follow the graduated approach to improve the outcomes for SEN pupils in schools and use our Federation SEND Identifiction Flow Chart (please see document below). For more information please click on the icon: 

Federation School SENDCO

Across the Federation our SENDCO Mrs Victoria Shackleton is working to provide the best possible outcomes for all our children. If you would like to speak to Mrs Shackleton please use the contact telephone numbers for each school office. Please also look out for the regular drop in sessions for parents who would like to discuss their child's needs.

Clough Head - 01484 222217 (Tuesdays)

Wellhouse - 01484 645794 (Wednesdays)

Wilberlee - 01484 222588 (Mondays and Thursdays 9am-1pm)

Please click on the icon to view our SEN Newlstter with all the latest SEN news. 

Useful documents for parents:

Cygnet Information Sheet - A parenting Support Programme 

Sensory Processing Fact Sheet

Dyscalculia Fact Sheet

ADHD Fact Sheet

Useful Websites

Here are websites you may find useful can be found by using the links below:
Kirklees Information Advice and Support - KIAS is a statutory, free, impartial and confidential service, working with Parents / Carers, Children and Young People.

PCAN -(Parents of Children with additional needs) is an independent charity for parents/carers of any child or children aged 0-25 who have special educational needs and/or disabilities across Kirklees. Don’t worry if your child doesn’t have a diagnosis. You can join PCAN if you are just becoming aware that your child has additional needs. It’s free! – click here http://bit.ly/2WmT4Cx. PCAN organise Cuppa and Chat session in our local area. Please click on the cup below to find out more information.

KKIM - (Kirklees Keeping in Mind) helps young people in Kirklees access timely support to improve their mental health and emotional wellbeing




Our lives are full of change, during which we transition or move from one stage to another. A transition from one educational setting to another can be exciting, but it can also be a cause of anxiety for you and your child. Please look at the guidance regarding transitions to Primary or High Schools. Please click on the link for more information. http://www.kirkleeslocaloffer.org.uk/information-and-advice/education/transitions-moving-between-schools/

Useful Parent Information

Neurodevelopment Conditions - If you have any concerns please speak to your class teacher, SENDCo or GP.  For more infromation about neurological conditions such as Autisim, ADHD or ADD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or Attention Deficit Disorder) please visit: visit: https://www.kirkleeslocaloffer.org.uk/information-and-advice/autism-adhd-ld-health-services-for-all/autism-adhd-and-add-support-and-assessment/ 

Dyslexia Information - In our school we use Lucid Rapid Screening and GL Ready to support pupil progress of those who are suspected to have Dyslexia traits. Please visit https://www.kirkleeslocaloffer.org.uk/information-and-advice/a-z-of-specific-conditions/dyslexia/


Please click here for our accessibility plan.


Our building at Clough Head School predates any disability considerations in its construction. However, we are fortunate to be accessed at the front of school by a ramp with access to a disabled toilet at entry level. The toilet also has a changing bed with an adjustable height to make changing facilities as comfortable as possible. 

Should a pupil or parent need access to the building and choose us as a setting for their child, we would make all the necessary adjustments which were possible to allow the building to be accessed and any limitations of the building were limited. 

Relational Policy

In September 2023 our Federation of Schools launched our Relational Policy to replace our Behavioural Policy and it has been met with positivity by all to improve the behaviour of pupils in our schools.

Zones of Regulation

If you would like to make a referral to the school nursing team please contact:  

Sensory Processing - For more Sensory Occupational Therapy Information, 

Sensory Information for Parents - For information on calming activity ideas, personal care strategies, sensory development and sleep. 

Talk Sense Training Videos - For information on 1. Sensory Processing, 2. The 5 Senses, 3. The Special Senses, 4. Sensory Needs, Activity Levels and Anxiety, 5. Sensory Needs and Sleep, 6. Sensory Needs and Toileting, 7. Sensory Needs, Food Restrictions and Mealtimes, 8. Sensory Needs and Dressing and 9. Self Care. 


The documents above may be of use to you as parents. If you have any questions, please see Mrs Shackleton, Federation SENDCo.

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